In seventies of last century, there was a feeling among the Ophthalmologists of W. Bengal many of the eastern India that they were not getting due recognition in AIOS by the then leaders of the profession mainly belonging to Delhi and Bombay. One positive common point was noticed among the ophthalmologists of W.Bengal, Assam, Bihar and Orissa that they were eager to work for a change organizationally. They were Dr L. C.Dutta of Assam, Dr A. N.Pandeya of Bihar, Dr U. C.Behera of Orissa, Dr M. Lala Singh of Manipur and Dr K. R. Dutta. Prof. Ranabir Mukherjee had taken the overall leading role to form EIZOC including constitution drafting. Subsequently, the first Eastern India Zonal Ophthalmological Conference was held in Calcutta in 1985 at Ramkrishna Mission Seva Pratisthan under the leadership of Prof. Shreemohon Mishra of Darbhanga. In the General body Meeting EIZOC was formally inaugurated & constitutions drafted by Prof. Muhherjee were passed. The Office of the congress was in Calcutta with Dr Ramendra Lal Saha as the Secretary and Dr Chandi Dutta as the Treasurer. After Dr R.L. Saha next secretary was Dr P.L.Saha and Treasurer Dr Subrata Rakhit. Then onwards regular conferences started being held in different states from time to time. Following is the list of EIZOC Presidents & Secretaries as far as available from different sources :
President & Secretary (1985-2024).